Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Two bulls cry all the way to slaughter house

   Two bulls cry all the way to slaughter house
nowing he is about to be jailed an influential criminal will do anything within his power to prove his  might  even where it is obvious to any fool that  the ‘Mighty’ has no way out . This reminds us of the story of the bull in Hong Kong who literary shed tears upon realizing it was going to be slaughtered to make steak and beef stews in a packaging factory.
When the slaughter- men were close to the front door of the slaughter house the sorrowful bull suddenly stopped going forward and knelt down on his two front legs and started sobbing .Our bulls are aware of their eminent death by justice soon.
 How did they know they are going to get slaughtered before they enter the slaughter house?  See their actions; first, marshalling their sympathizers in the name of MPs and perceived power house paid them out to cut short parliamentary recess so that they bring before the ‘honourable’ house a bill aiming to pull Kenya out of Rome Statute. Just a reminder, Kenya is a party to the Rome statute at her pleasure-she carried herself there at will and can withdraw at will but this has no bearing on the ongoing process at Hague, it’s bound to ensue.
Two, wearing a hard face and brazenly lying to Kenyan masses that their wouldn’t be a power vacuum upon the departure of the top two criminals for trial citing psychological preparedness of  the cohorts  rather than constitutional approach to the issue.
 Third, purporting to begin another round of prayer rallies synonymous with what happened before the commencement of the pre-trial process to pray two individuals facing trial for crime against humanity. Finally effecting VAT Act 2013 signed into law by an ICC suspect on the 14TH August on the most basic commodity to rob taxpayer their meager income to raise funds for over 60 MPs and Senators to cheer criminals at trial. Indubitably our bulls are crying all the way to the slaughter house.

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